Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Giggling Dark: Session Twenty One

Sir Xellous: the fourteen year old main character, a Celestial Knight played by Ryan. He's currently holding onto Pyra, his wife's incredibly destructive bow, some gauntlets that make him a really good brawler, and a ring that gives him knowledge of khen-zai tech.

Kora: Sir Xellous' wife, who had been kidnapped and memory wiped by the khen-zai. She's since married Komas, the Assistant Prime Minister. She's got her baby, who was the result of being raped by her father.

Ikuinen Lampo: the star who is Sir Xellous' patron. She is currently inhabiting the body of Sir Xellous' dead sister, Genevieve. She had done this incredibly awkward thing so she could rescue Sir Xellous from a very bad situation he had gotten himself into earlier. She almost died last session, and is still recovering. Technically she could leave the body whenever she wants.

Telos: A hero from another place, another time. Man, when am I finally going to start doing more with this dude???

Three months passed. Sir Xellous and Ikuinen Lampo has stayed in the general infirmary during this time, recovering from their respective wounds. There were no further attacks from the khen-zai, not even a rumor. During this time King Varlur began preparations  for Sir Xellous' fiefdom. People hurried in and out to talk with him about what he wanted when it came to setting up the castle and what his preferences were. Sir Xellous mostly put up with these visits and the bureaucratic nonsense they brought along with them, learning a lot about social graces, but sometimes his temper got the better of him and the delegates had to scurry out of the room.

But it wasn't all official business. Sir Xellous and Ikuinen Lampo had plenty of time to get to know each other. Lampo was quiet but thoughtful. She loved reading and had lots of books brought to her and she read to Sir Xellous, who had never learned. She read him fables and histories of all kind, not that Sir Xellous retained any of it, but Ikuinen Lampo was so happy when reading and it was amazing for Sir Xellous to see.

Kora also visited, always with baby (who adored Sir Xellous), usually daily. Komas had become Prime Minister and barely came home. Kora had asked Sir Xellous about her forgotten past and how he knew her. He told her they were childhood friends, while telling her little bits of their background. Ikuinen Lampo always got annoyed when Kora came in to visit with Sir Xellous, but she tried to conceal it. Sir Xellous noticed, but wisely kept his mouth shut. 

At the end of the three months Sir Xellous posed a question to Ikuinen Lampo: was it possible to get her a power source that allowed her to "permanently" stay in Option A form, also known as Epiphany form? Lampo said that the khen-zai probably had something, but she had never seen anything like it nor had she really heard any more than that. Calling upon the power of his ring Sir Xellous discovered that the khen-zai indeed had such a device: a fusion generator. Making one was far beyond the knowledge of the ring, but it was a start. Kora came in and overheard them talking about this generator. She asked Lampo how the energy outputs of dormant stars worked. Lampo explained that she, as a star was not actually dead, but was no longer generating energy at a large level, but whose passive energy signature sanctified the ground. While Lampo was explaining this Sir Xellous scanned Kora's aura to see if she was being watched or manipulated. But her aura was clean; the khen-zai had vanished.

Telos came in and was brought up to speed on their conversation. He said that actually dovetailed nicely with what he had finally remembered: he was from another planet.

Everyone else's jaw dropped.

Telos explained that there was a rot zone on his planet, centered on the former Herculaen Empire. Rot zones could act as as portals to other rot zones. Meeria had trapped him in one of those zones, years before.Yes, Meeria had been to other planets before. Once he had realized this Telos had found a little fife the elves of his planet had given him. He didn't explain how he got this fife, given that he had first appeared on this planet naked. Ikuinen Lampo's face lit up at the mention of the elves. She had heard of the elves from her time in the sky, and knew they would be able to find a fusion generator.  It was uncomfortable being in Genevieve's body, and she desperately wanted out. Sir Xellous caught the embarrassed glanced she threw his way. So did Kora. Telos told them that they would go out to call upon the elves at midnight. 

An announcer came in to announce Sir Xellous was expected by the King the next day. Sir Xellous told him he'd be there.

At midnight they all met up outside of town. Kora brought her baby, who was sleeping in a sling. Komas was still in council with the King and wouldn't be coming back that night, and she wanted to see the elves! Sir Xellous asked Telos if it was possible to call off the council with the King in the morning. Telos, alarmed, asked why on earth he'd cancel. Sir Xellous asked if they were leaving with the elves that night. Telos laughed: the elves would have to do reconnaissance work first. And, as kind as the elves were, they could not do this for free. They would need to negotiate a price of some sort. Sir Xellous said he expected as much. 

Telos blew a note on his fife that was so high no one else could hear it. About fifteen minutes later a gondola with a sail came down from the sky. Sir Xellous gaped at the ship, whispering loudly that he wanted to make one. Lampo and and Kora chuckled. Lampo told him that she would make sure he got the chance, while Kora asked if she could fly in it with him. 

Three elves (two male and one female) nimbly hopped to the ground. The female began to tie the ship to the ground with an anchor. Sir Xellous and Kora gaped: only Ikuinen Lampo was more beautiful! The elves bowed to Telos and Ikuinen Lampo and talked with them in a language that felt like music. Oneo f the elves walked up to Sir Xellous and asked about payment in the form of enchanting an item. Many more worlds out there were in a far worse state than Sir Xellous' and they needed payment to justify not helping those worlds, what with there being only a dozen or so elves flying the skies at that point. The elf told Sir Xellous about a planet, almost unimaginably far away, was a dump planet for the khen-zai. This was where the khen-zai put anything they didn't want, including people. A generator was probably there. But to get there and retrieve it they needed Lampo to be in her Epiphany form, which the elves could help recharge with their songs. Sir Xellous asked if he could talk with Lampo about it. 

The two withdrew. Lampo explained that the journey was incredibly long and required her to help them get there fast enough. Sir Xellous protested that they couldn't heal her in her Epiphany form if something went wrong. Lampo declared that nothing would go wrong. She pointed out that Kora needed to come with them. The khen-zai would surely come for Kora and it would be harder for them to find her if she wasn't on the planet to begin with. Besides, Lampo really needed to stop using using Genevieve's body; it complicated matters. That made Sir Xellous laugh.

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