Friday, October 11, 2019

Floating in the Grid: Session Zero

No one knows why the world, time and space, broke apart and scattered. All that is known is that one day the world fell apart. Not exploded, not shattered (there was nothing explosive!), but fell apart, like a stick of butter melting onto a table. Somehow the city of Angel Grove survived this horror, and it floated on the rock beneath it. These are the stories of the city that floated, and of its defenders: the Power Rangers.

Yeah, that's pretty grim. That's how I roll, so tough. 

So I'll be starting a series based off of playthroughs in Heroes of the Grid. I'm going to start with the "base" Hyperforce group. No, I've not seen Hyperforce, and I've no real pressing need to do so.  I'm sure the show is just fine, but after trying to imagine the beginning of whatever the heck I'm writing I can't visualize it with the MMPR folks. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm going to do a bit of research to make sure I'm not writing the characters egregiously wrong, but most of my cues to their personalities will be based off of what their decks do.  So, um, if this goes wrong blame Jonathan Ying for not covering his bases?

Yeah, we'll go with that. I'll just blame him.

Nothing could go wrong doing that.

Anyway, most of the posts will revolve around gameplay. Actual characterization will be light and, unless I specifically mention otherwise, nothing from canon will be here. The setting is incredibly weird and different and I want to have the room to develop the characters as I see fit. If that weirds you out I'm not going to apologize, cause I need room to go where I think the narrative should go. I may write in-between posts to set up future rangers and threads, but I'm not going to promise anything until I'm in the thick of it.

There's going to be some opportunities for commenters  to shape how the games progress! Everyone can vote to see their favorite character show up in the next session. And yes, since I'll be posting to Facebook and Reddit, in multiple groups, you can tip the vote. I won't be doing more than just the barest of name checks to make sure y'all aren't cheating. Monsters can also be requested. If I do not own the monster then I'm obviously not going to be using him. I currently do not own the first Villain Pack or Cyclopsis. I plan on rectifying this at some point, but that's not going to be today.

At some point I will begin to homebrew my own stuff for the game, like scenarios and custom rules, as the narrative takes shape. I do not have anything in mind, although I am open to suggestions. If you have mechanics you want featured in the game comment here, Facebook, or Reddit and I will let you know if I will be using it. All games will use Assault Mode. This could get rough. Unless I specifically mention it these games will be solo. I will be playing three decks of six rangers in total. Losses will probably be because my brain is overloaded, although I will blame the dice every time. 

Anyway, that's it! We'll be releasing the first session next week! Vote! Stay tuned!

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