Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sabina's Castle: Session Fifteen, Trait Vote the Second

So Andy and I convened for the fifteenth session... and talked ourselves into a trait vote. After three sessions. Granted, there was an almost three year time skip, but man! I've never done a trait vote after three. Here's what we came up with.

Andy put forward a character trait, Wrath of the Fallen. Given that elves in this setting live in a floating ring called the Ring of Tears they view being on the ground as "being stuck".  Andy suggested that an elf marooned on the surface normally became morose and irritable, if not outright irrational after awhile.

I didn't even bother drafting my own trait to vote on.

The next thing we worked out was an affiliation with the mysterious group "The Ones Who Sailed". This elusive group is comprised of six humans, who made it to The Island of Eternal Youth and became immortal. They are led by Telos, who has lived for the past thousand years in defense of the planet as a whole. Whenever one of these individuals tires of immortality they give a token they had carried with them to the island to the next person who is destined to take their place. They then go up to the Ring of Tears and are never seen again.

So not only is Anneli unique in that she is an elf who was given one of these trinkets, but Marian, the one who gave her the trinket in the first place, is still here. It is not known why she did not leave after giving up her keepsake. At any rate, Anneli is in a unique position. She now wants to become worthy of her role.

Why would she think that she's not strong enough?

Well.... let's just say her recovery tests did not go so well. She failed her Mortal Wound test, which dropped her Perception cap to 6, she now has Shaky Hands (-2 Agility, Agility cap of 7), and is now Slightly Clumsy (-1 Speed, Speed cap of 7). All of her physical stats are B4s, so she has lost a good amount of strength.

Join us next time, as Anneli goes monster hunting! With a two year time skip the forces of Rahbarl, Golau, and the remnants of the Argentum Empire have secured their own footholds inside of this ancient city. They all want differing things, but they all have one thing in common: if they could but get Anneli's little toy sword and make it to the Island of Eternal Youth most of their troubles would be over.

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