Friday, October 4, 2019

Moréna: Session Three

The Umbaran: The Wanderer character, controlled by Lena and I. He wield a zweihander name Moréna and a short sword named Mairon. Last time The Umbaran had killed a gigantic male spider named Lona Ered, who had turned into a shriveled male elven corpse.

The Woman: An apparition of questionable alignment and morality, who apparently is putting The Umbaran through a series of tests.

The Umbaran headed north, up the Gelion river, to where it joined with the Ascarr River. There were plains to the north, the Blue Mountains to the east, and a forest to the west. There was a multi-deck ship on the river, with piles of corpses littering the banks around it. The Umbaran smiled, and went onto the ship.

There was no one on the deck, but The Umbaran heard someone below deck. Unsheathing Mairon, The Umbaran went downstiars. He heard someone below, demanding that he not come down. Chuckling again, he walked down. The below deck was also piled high with corpses, and amidst them stood an elf standing over a human. The elf claimed that these humans served Lona Ered. The Umbaran was amused, because he had just killed Lona Ered! But Lona Ered was not just a gigantic spider; it was not possible to kill Lona Ered. The Umbaran laughed and walked up to the elf, telling him that he'd no idea what he was messing with. The elf panicked and killed the human and then tried to kill The Umbaran, who tanked every shot, laughed, and then killed the elf. He set fire to the ship and walked off, chuckling, into the woods.

The Umbaran cut through the thick underbrush of the woods After going down a hill The Umbaran found himself in a shrine, which was very similar to the one where he had killed Lona Ered. Standing on the opposite side of was a statue of The Woman, but with eight spidery legs. Her face had been messed with so it looked like it was eating the young child she was holding. There was a spring here as well, but it was filled with a black ichor that bubbled up from someplace foul, unlike the clean water that The Umbaran had used to kill the giant spider.  There was a malevolent presence in the grove, which The Umbaran taunted. No response. The Umbaran walked up to the statue and pulled out Moréna. He cut the statue in half and it fell to the ground with a crash. No response. The Umbaran puts his hand in the black ichor; the flow doesn't change, nor did it actually cover The Umbaran's hand. Shaking his head, The Umbaran went deeper into the forest.

A few miles later and The Umbaran stumbled into another shrine. This one had a properly beautiful mother statue, with uneaten child, along with a pure spring. The statue of mother and child glowed with a soft blue light, which The Umbaran found slightly painful. But he walked around, examining the area. He took out the stone. It shone extremely brightly, and The Umbaran put it away hurriedly. He found a corpse on the edge of the shrine. It was an elven woman, covered in black ichor, and she had a scroll in her hand. It read "The evil of Gelionunci has been released. Please let Elen Amille know time is of the essence." The Umbaran picked up the

A number of branches landed in front of The Umbaran. Eight legged shadows flitted from tree to tree around and above him. The Umbaran mocked the spiders for refusing to fight him. They dropped down around him in a circle; they were dead before they hit the ground, for Moréna was quicker than they. Some of the spiders got to the spring and belched a black ichor into it. The statue stopped glowing. The rest of the spiders fled. The Umbaran pulled out his stone; it barely shone now. He shrugged, and headed in the general direction the spiders went.

Even deeper into the woods stood a village. Slaughtered elves littered the walkways. Men, women, and children's blood darkened the fauna. Webs were everywhere. The Umbaran cut the webs away with growls of frustration. Walking through the silent village The Umbaran found the largest building, in the center of village. All of a sudden he was stopped: some force prevented The Umbaran from moving any closer to the building. He heard a voice telling him that he couldn't enter. The Umbaran told that voice to fuck off. The Umbaran saw The Woman not very far off, watching him. Hearing little voices begging him to help The Umbaran chucked Mairon at her, and she vanished. All of a sudden he could go nearer the building. Looking around and muttering, he entered the building.

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