Saturday, January 4, 2020

Risk Legacy: War Four

Matt- Khan Industries, starting in Indonesia
Ben- Die Mechaniker, starting in Brazil
Nathan- Imperial Balkania, starting in Madagascar
Logan- Enclave of the Bear, starting in Alaska

Year One
Khan Industries expanded into all of Australia, and then took Southeast Asia. Die Mechaniker took all of South America, as well as North Africa. Imperial Balkania took all of Africa and conquered North Africa. Enclave of the Bear came down from Alaska and took Venezuela from Die Mechaniker.

Year Two
Khan Industries blitzkrieged across Asia, took Egypt, East Africa, South Africa, and then Madagascar, cutting the head off of Imperial Balkania. Die Mechaniker reinforced itself and stayed put. Imperial Balkania retook East Africa, but could not regain Madagascar. Khan Industries managed to drum up more troops than expected in South Africa. Enclave of the Bear took Peru from Die Mechaniker, and then took almost all of North America. This surge of expansion allowed them to gain even more troops, which were used to fortify their armies.

Year Three
Khan Industries, bolstered by their successes, completely kicked Imperial Balkania out of Africa, and they gained even more armies for their trouble! Die Mechaniker reinforced itself, refusing to move. Imperial Balkania reformed in Ural and then took Afghanistan, specifically for the city of Borderlands. Having pulled itself out of nothing, Balkania leveraged the resources of the city it had taken to prop itself up further. Enclave of the Bear took all of North America and then reinforced Greenland.

Year Four
Khan Industries, having taken all of the resources from Imperial Balkania, leveraged them into more resources. They then attacked Die Mechaniker in Brazil, at their HQ, and took it over. But Die Mechaniker wasn't finished yet. In their secret bunkers they had made a nuclear device. As they went down, Die Mechaniker pushed the big red button.

North Africa was reduced to an irradiated hellscape. The people who survived the hellfire that rained down on them, mutated beyond belief, swore revenge against Die Mechaniker. The world watched in horror as they spread through the world.

The world rallied, as they usually do after a horrific war. NEW Brazil was founded in Brazil, Zombieland in East Africa, and Barbie in East Australia. Politics became more prevalent than it ever had before, because nuclear war was simply not an option. Not again. Never again.

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