Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Undertow: Session Thirteen

Mikansia: the main character, a female elven sword singer played by Lena. Mikansia had traveled with Nomi and Akseli back to Kotae Mah, the capital city of the elven nations, to see Santeri, Jabez's father. She told him the truth of of how his son had died, that he had been intentionally sent to Elfharrow when he was exiled. Santeri tried to get Mikansia to come with her to help root out the source of the inner corruption in Kotae Mah, but Mikansia refused.

Jabez: A male sword singer, who had helped Mikansia go to the surface to track down her evil father, the vile Krakeru. After helping her Jabez had been exiled for his efforts and shot to Elfharrow, a center of dark elf activity on the surface. He was then systematically tortured and raped over several months. He died defending Mikansia from her father. She then avenged his death. Mikansia's entire drive is to find out who had sent Jabez to Elfharrow.

Kotae Mah: The capital of the elven nations, ruled by an elven high king. Exiles are never sent near Elfharrow, Golau, or any other stronghold of evil. They are always sent to some remote place on the surface, where they can't join with dark elves easily or harm anyone else. The author stresses, once again, that this is a sign of systemic failure.

Nomi: A former dark elf, redeemed because of the love she had for her sister Anneli. She now wields a dreaded Dagger of Betrayal, which allows her to control a terrifying dragon she has lovingly nicknamed Fish.

Yngvar: Mikansia's former firstsword and Akseli's best friend. After the sacking of Elfharrow he returned to Kotae Mah as a war hero. He has been doing his best to spy on the higher-ups of Kotae Mah, to find out who could have sent Jabez to Elfharrow.

Akseli: Mikansia's former commander. He had stayed with Mikansia, not only because of the bond that he had with Mikansia's mother Makirta, but because of the fatherly bond of affection he had gained for her. He'd come up to Kotae Mah to see Yngvar, who had told the world that Akseli had died during the sack of Elfharrow.

About fifteen minutes after seeing Santeri, Mikansia and Nomi saw one of Mikansia's former sword singer companions, Zaina. Mikansia and Zaina had never been close, but they'd certainly had no issue with each other previously. But the look Zaina was shooting Mikansia now was beyond murderous. Taking Nomi by the hand, Mikansia began to weave through the crowds, putting enough space between them and Zaina to lose her. Nomi was annoyed; she didn't need to be dragged around like a child! And furthermore, wasn't all this unnecessary? Santeri, who Nomi could never seduce, despite her best efforts, had offered a way out. It would have made all this sneaking around non-existent.

Mikansia told Nomi that she couldn't just go back. The system had completely failed Jabez and Mikansia just couldn't associate herself with it. Nomi said that was nonsense! Without access to the system Mikansia wouldn't be able to to anything nearly as effective as if she had taken that deal. Mikansia said the scrutiny upon her would be intense if she did come back, and that the life of an enlisted soldier would give  her no time at all to investigate. Nomi laughed at that; being in the city, more or less unrestricted and unhunted was much better than having to smuggle herself in and being hunted while doing whatever work she had to do. Mikansia said it just wasn't that simple and frankly Mikansia didn't want to be here. Scoffing, Nomi called her an idealist and shy about getting her hands dirty again. Mikansia’s eyes flashed sharply and her hands clenched to restrain the heat. She told Nomi that she had to hold to some ideals, otherwise what was the difference between them and their enemies? And if Nomi took issue with those ideals? Well, she was certainly welcome to take herself and her cursed dagger off elsewhere. Mikansia then stalked off to go see Akseli and Yngvar.

Akseli had told them where they would be meeting up and she wanted to see Yngvar. They were at an out-of-the-way town square. As they made their way there it became obvious that Mikansia and Nomi were being watched. Mikansia in particular could feel the eyes of upon her. She and Nomi managed to fade away into the crowd, away from the prying eyes. Nomi remarked that they didn't have this issue earlier, what had changed? The lack of an answer disturbed them both.

Zaina was already with Akseli and Yngvar, sitting at a table with them in the bustling town square. Mikansia and Nomi held back, listening in. Zain was enraged: not only was Akseli alive, but Yngvar had lied about it, used it to become capain of Akseli's former unit, and were allied with the Mikansia, who was undoubtedly responsible not just for Jabez's exile but death as well! Yngvar said that Mikansia was not responsible for Jabez's death. And besides, Yngvar was amused that Zaina thought she had had enough of a connection with Jabez in life to be mad about his death! Her infatuation with him had always been more than a touch crazy. Zaina broke down into tears. Yngvar was unmoved; Akseli was embarrassed. Zaina told Yngvar he was cruel;Yngvar snapped back that Zaina, despite being a brilliant swordsman, was crazy as hell, and Yngvar had no issue with telling her that. Her reputation for personal craziness was such that Yngvar had no issue telling her the truth, because who was going to believe her over Yngvar, celebrated swordsman, officer, and over-all badass? And what was she doing out at this hour anyway? She was supposed to be at the barracks, on clean-up duty.

Mikansia had seen enough. She walked up to the table. Zaina immediately lunged at her with a shortsword. With Nomi's help Mikansia dodged to the side. Yngvar was up, accusing Zaina of attacking him! Akseli, Mikansia, and Nomi slipped into the gathering crowd. Nomi quipped she was with an interesting group, but her full thoughts on that were going to have to wait until next time they all talked. Mikansia asked if there would indeed be a next time they talked. Nomi smiled and said that was her hope. She then told Mikansia and Akseli that it was probably a good idea that they get out immediately. They all agreed.

The trio ran out of Kotae Mah, into the howling winds and pitch-black sky. When they got to the edge  Nomi drew out her Dagger of Betrayal and presented it to Mikansia, hilt first. Blanching, Mikansia took it.

The hilt had been hollowed out! The blade was unbalanced, completely unusable for... well... anything really. Nomi laughed; Marian had hollowed out the hilt, so that it could be used to summon Fish. Nomi took the top off the hilt to reveal a mouthpiece. She put the mouthpiece to her lips.

Out came a piercing trumpet sound, noble to the last note.

They sat at the edge of the floating island, waiting for Fish. Akseli caught them up on what Yngvar had found in his investigations: nothing. Zilch. Everything was squeaky clean. Whatever was going on, whoever had made the decision to send Jabez to Elfharrow, they were up beyond Yngvar's power and reach. Well, at least for the moment.

The hurricane announced Fish. Nomi jumped on, laughing, and invited Mikansia and Akseli onto the smoothest ride she'd ever had, with a wickedly euphemistic grin.

They dropped to the surface, leaving a squall and confused guards in their wake.

It was time to go home.

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