Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Beside the River of Truth: G1E1

Steve was still in his suit. Not his red, white and blue one. This one was black, with a bow tie. Sharon liked bow ties. They'd been all the rage when Steve was a kid. Sharon said he looked distinguished. She usually said that with a wicked grin, so Steve had some doubts. He'd have to ask her about that, when she came over.

It had been a rough memorial. May Parker had cried the whole time, hanging onto Peter's wife, Mary-Jane. No one could look at them. With Peter they had held back alien invasions, saved the universe from the Beyonder, laughed, dined, cried together. And the most Steve had managed to May and MJ was a nod. "What a hero", he muttered to himself. Tony hadn't even bothered to show up.

Sharon came in as Steve sat down, remote in hand. "I brought pad thai" she said, bag in hand.

Norman Osborn was on the screen, shaking hands with Tony. Tony looked tired. Drunk. Norman was... was...

"He looks like a real jerk" Sharon quipped. "Oh, and there's a sleazebag standing there with Tony too. He's probably a supervillain."

"He's the Green Goblin," Steve was walking toward his closet.

"Wait, really??" Sharon's eyes bugged out.

"Peter told me while we were on Battleworld, while we thought he was dying from Dr. Doom hitting him with a full frontal blast. Peter had asked me to to watch after May and MJ, specifically because he knew Osborn would go after them. And Sharon, I watched. I've not stopped watching."

"That explains all those odd moments... scattered in the odd moments that are our life."

Steve couldn't help it; he cracked a wry grin. "I've been watching them the last year. Turns out I'd been watching the wrong folks. Norman Osborn is not going to buy out Tony. Not going to happen."

"Ooh, a party! That'll be a nice change of pace."

Pulling his mask on, Captain America shook his head. "No, you're affiliated with SHIELD. You need authorization, otherwise you'll cause an international incident. Call Nick. He needs to be briefed."

"Steve, you know as well as I do I can go with you. I have authorization to follow on leads as I find them, by the President. I've got jurisdiction."

Captain America stopped at the window. "Osborn is cunning. Go get us backup."

"You really think Norman Osborn is that much of a threat?" Sharon was incredulous.

"Peter let us underestimate him. What makes you think Osborn is any different?" asked Cap. Sharon nodded.

Captain America was up on the rooftop in less than a minute, shield slung to his back. No backup. Not yet. Osborn was his problem. He'd promised Peter. This was Captain America's fight. Oscorp's Tower wasn't too far away.

The security on Osborn's tower was pitiful. Captain America practically slung shot himself  into Osborn's office. But Osborn showed no surprise when he walked into his office twenty minutes later. Seeing the star-spangled figured backlit by the moon Osborn smiled and walked to a nearby desk and pulled out a bottle of amber liquid and a glass. "Captain," Osborn said, tipping his glass.

The glass shattered with a flick of Captain America's hand. "Cut it out, Goblin. I'm onto you. Stay away from Tony."

The force of the explosion rocked Captain America and Norman Osborn off their feet.  The Green Goblin's cackle could be heard. "AH AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.... when in doubt flood with shrapnel! With extreme prejudice."

Norman's smile looked like a skull's grin. "This isn't over" Captain America promised him.

"Osborn, I've come to stop you." In floated MODOK. "You cannot continue with your plans."

"Hey, that's my line, Floaty! Whaddya say we sing it together?? I'll be tenor, I've got good tone I'm told! AH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


Captain America rolled in front of Norman Osborn, shield out. "Hey Bobbi? I've got an issue. Goblin and MODOK are together."

"Yeah, I've been watching. Sharon already called." Mockingbird vaulted through the wrecked windowframe, kicking MODOK across the room into a wall.  Green Goblin bent almost in half as Captain America and Mockingbird's fists connected with his jaw. Captain America bent him the other way with a crashing knee to the gut.

The Green Goblin fell with a thud. Mockingbird leaned over. "Man, I hate to ask why-"

Cackling and electricity erupted in Mockingbird's face and she fell, out cold. The Goblin stood up, still cackling.

A sudden light and whirring announced the news helicopter. Norman had planned his trap well.

MODOK lunged. He ripped into the star-spangled hero as Captain America smashed him twice with his shield. Bleeding profusely, Captain America grabbed Mockingbird and jumped out the window, letting out a grappling line a few dozen stories down.

Sharon came flying by in one of those flying tubs SHIELD had said they'd junked years ago."Bad night?"

Steve pulled off his mask, grimacing at his open stomach. "Yeah, bad night."
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