Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Dunwich Legacy Expansion: Review

Real talk time, folks.

The core set is crap.


The opening scenario works once. And just once. I don't want to play it again. The second scenario is a lot of fun, but the third scenario has some rather unfair stuff going on. The deckbuilding is a lot of fun! I like the mechanics! But I will not lie and say I like 2/3's of the scenarios in the box. And that's an objective failure on the part of FFG. And yeah, some reviewers have commented on it (like No Pun Included), but given how the game has dwarfed this problem with all the expansions that are currently in the game, it can be easy to forget just how badly done so much of the core box is.

But no, for those of us who just started (like myself): no, it's not just you. The core box is awful.

But this box isn't holy crap.

The Dunwich Legacy is the deluxe box opening acts for The Dunwich Cycle, which is followed up by six packs. I've played through this box twice and it's more than worth the price of admission. There are two scenarios in the box, along with a bunch of character cards to outfit you for that particular set of scenarios, including new characters.

OK, let's get this out of the way: the scenarios are a lot of fun! You go to a school campus after dark and then to an illegal casino, all in the same night. Both scenarios feel completely different from each other and have multiple endings, none of which feel more right or wrong than another, at least in mechanical terms. You have to figure out what you value as well as putting two and two together, because some of the endings were not obvious to me on the first go around. I definitely like these scenarios, just on their own.

You could get a number of plays just out of this box and that is in no small part thanks to the characters. These guys have interesting shticks all around. I attached to Zoe and Pete very quickly, but the rest of them have super interesting gimmicks that will make playing through the box on its own a lot of fun in and of itself. The actual player cards in the box deepen out the meager offerings you got in the core with cards that I've been having an absolute blast with. I may try a spellcaster now! It looked impossible in the core (at least as far as solo play is concerned), but it doesn't so much here. If the rest of the game has cards like this I'm going to have a great time.

After what I think of as a very disappointing start to a great idea this expansion really bounced back, at least in my eyes. There's a lot of variance to the scenarios, which generate fiction that I find to be believable and entertaining. The characters are themselves very interesting, with all sorts little hooks that I look forward to building around, and the new cards really enliven this one starter dude's choices. Totally worth it to me.

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