Friday, October 27, 2023

Woke Thought Kills

The last week I wrote a piece I found pretty damn cathartic post about my issues with American conservatism, and really the right in general. The need for moral purity in heroes is a moral sickness in American conservativism that has destroyed many a would-be Christian, who now (for the most part) cannot separate the two out, even though American Conservatism looks a lot more like actual Satanism than anything else; the light that sickens, as opposed to healing and correcting. 

On the one hand, I'm not shocked at the existence of the woke; one had only to look at the world as it was for even two seconds to see a generation of this bullshit coming. 

On the other hand... c'mon folks, this is just Soviet-style Marxism without the moral conviction to kill 50 or 60 million people.

Now, more than a few of those who follow this ideology will immediately tell me that "woke" doesn't exist. The attempt to retcon recent history is expected (and we'll get to why below), but inaccurage: being woke isn't just being compassionate and wanting to stand up for the little guy, nor is it even really caring about the downtrodden among you, or wanting to speak truth to power (especially this one, wokeism actually encourages moral cowardice), but is specifically an engine to strip the humanity and compassion straight out of your soul and make you an honest-to-God monster with a clown's smile attached. American conservativism perverts, Wokeism destroys and salts the earth. And yes, it is a real ideology, it is particular, it is not American liberalism, it is distinct and particular.

There are people who think they sympathize with this ideology, who are not woke, who instead just want people cared for. They deny that the ideology itself is so toxic that spilling its blood would be a dangerous act like in Pacific Rim, saying they want to side with the people who actually want folks cared for. The problem is rooted in the fundamental humanity of the person, and wanting to empathize with the people who are hurt, wanting to affirm the righteous anger they're hoping is actually going on.

It's not righteous anger.

It's just rage.

I'm sorry.

Now, I've spent a few years trying to just observe what Wokeism entails. A lot of it didn't make sense for years, not until I started reading The Gulag Archipelago. And then it clicked. And now I'm writing this.

1. The most important thing is unfettered individual choice towards the (frequently immediately) pleasant. The thing, at the end of the day, that I have repeatedly seen any SJW fall back on is "what's the thing that is beneficial for me"? There isn't anything wrong with being concerned about yourself, of course, but that's not the way it's meant, but as a "No one else is concerned about my good, not really, and therefore whatever I perceive is for my own good, I will do, even if all else indicates it to be the wrong course of action."

The problem is that this way of thinking totally destroys your ability to have any meaningful relationships at all, and actually poisons you against the concept entirely. Hell, you can't even genuinely love at all with such thinking, because frequently you will find yourself in situations where the only way through with a person is to give without getting anything back at all, to lean out and get hurt because that is what's best for the other person.

Since pain is inherently evil, there is no world where you can use pain to your own (or someone else's) good. And since, in literally all previous modes of thought, pain is a necessary building block for growth, there comes into existence a divide so sharp and deep that there is literally no rapproachment possible. So long as this one damnable point is in one's soul one is Woke, and nothing else on this list can be discussed until this is dismantled.

2. All immediate hierarchy is inherently repressive. So what do I mean by this? I'm saying wokeness doesn't actually care about hierarchy they don't have to really look at. Biological ties are something right in there your face, something that binds people in a way that constrains choices, brings about inordinate amounts of pain, requires a level of discernment and wisdom where payoff may be years, even decades in the future. The hierarchy created by someone legitimately being stronger and wiser than you  in your immediate vicinity  creates similar issues. You can't run from this kinda thing, not really.

For literally any other ideology in the world this type of hierarchy is made into a feature, not a bug. The world is hard enough as it is, and if someone with more power and wisdom is actually working towards your good, save yourself some energy and lean into it willya. Local ties and power are inevitable. You can't avoid them

But for the Woke this is oppressive, because choice towards the pleasant is constricted.

And so therefore the war must be waged. Against our basic biological, psychological, and spiritual essenences. Forever.

God, it sounds exhausting to type it.

Us Christians call that nonsense Hell.

3. All societal issues are ONLY abstract constructs. Because the only thing that matters is what's immediately pleasant, anything to do with a group of people is simply immaterial. The need to procreate for both biological and psychological necessity becomes a squashing of individual potential, a threat against the very soul of a person. The idea that some hierarchy is inherently good becomes only a tool for the oppressor, because sacrifice for a whole is a completely alien thought.

4. All individual desires that aren't obviously harmful are good. And now we start to get into the real meat and potatoes, the parts where otherwise calm and reasonable and well-meaning people start going "But why not?" This question, while it's well-meaning, and while I'm extremely empathetic to the problem of pain... goes wrong.

Because society is a real thing. It is driven by very real needs, the primary one of which is procreation. If there isn't a constant influx of babies into whatever system you're living in, it collapses in on itself. This is as obvious as picking up a history book and taking five minutes with it. And it is distressingly fragile. We're at a point in history where that incredibly obvious fact is obscured, but that does not change that it is the number one rule of society: more babies are good. Less babies are bad.

And that's before we get into the unavoidable fact that somebody has to clean the toilets. Somebody has to manage the raw infrastructure necessary to help us not wallow in filth and war. There is no "living your best life" if the sewage lines aren't working, folks. And that means somebody is biting the bullet and doing something really unpleasant. And there is no getting away from that.

And anything that is not actively helping that incredibly fragile thing to exist is actually a drain upon society. There's a reason why monasteries became the center of economies in the Middle Ages: folks not interested in making babies essentially banded together and found a way to contribute anyways, because they understood that all their energy needed to be focused on something other than sex, which really only works in the long run if babies are involved, somehow.

5. An human is an individual that can give me a pat on the back for being a "good person" (aka babies are not humans, the people who throw themselves off factories in China so I can have my phone are not humans)

And this is the one that really begins to get my goat. See, most Woke folks are very quick to scream about the injustices of the world.... on their iPhones. Y'know, the iPhones whose factories have nets around them, so that the workers don't jump off and kill themselves. And abortion is the ultimate mockery of their idea that people shouldn't be oppressed.

Whenever you can tell me why something with its own specific DNA strand should die because "you should be living your best life" with a straight face, that doesn't involve the idiotic "because it's not a person", let me know. The ethical conversation around that hasn't been at that primae faciae stupidity for a long time, and instead is "Yes, it's human, but so what?" 

Why must something die for what you think of as your best life?

Or jump off a building so that way you can just amuse yourself on your iPhone?

These are not questions that are asked. I know they're not, I know they're actively avoided, because if I really  put the screws to any Woke person they simply don't have an answer. And then they deep-six it as quickly as possible. Genocide and mass slavery are fine, so long as I get mine and don't see the bodies in the garbage cans or on the pavement.

If you disagree, prove me wrong! Oh wait, that takes pain and changing your life, struggling with inconvenience, and finding peace within that inconvience, and letting that peace spread to others, who then have the option to join in. Something that is very difficult to justify doing because of the previous points.

But hey, look, Christians are being homophobes again! That's easy, you can just screech on social media about how the world is a cruel place. All the while the blood congeals in the garbage can or on the pavement. But don't worry! You got a nice little dopamine kick from the phone. Relax into it. It'll be fine.

Everything is fine.

It's fine! Go back to sleep.

6. Humans are ONLY products of their enviroment.

This is a weird one, but it is what I've observed. And, really, it doesn't take too long to figure out. See, I have not met a single leftist  who isn't aware, on some level, that the above is horrific. There's gaps in the ideology that lead to simply horrifying results. In order to hold to the point one, the cardinal point, you have to accept points 2-5. Have to. At some point, however, the human mind has to justify why those five points are acceptable. And that's fine: all ideologies have coping mechanisms in them. There has to be, because no plan survives contact with the enemy, nevermind the world.

But the leftist cope is... horrible.

Because all there is left is to admit that all you are is a consumer of corporate swill. To admit that all you can do is be a part of a series of force-fed drips. You can rage all you like, but there's not a single leftist I've met and actually talked to, on a serious level ,that actually thinks they're making a difference in the world. Not really. The only way to hold the thoughts in their heads is to admit the dirty secret that there is no leftist that is not totally dependent upon corporations for the news, the tech, the food, hell even babies.  Because families are nuked, because any and all local hierarchy has been removed, all there is left are faceless corporations who merely have to say the words back at them while they rob, rape, and kill others.

Materially Wokies are the ultimate corporate shills. Philosophically they're against what feeds them. 

Is it any wonder that there's been sudden explosions of depression and anxiety in the young?

7. Because society is not real, any attempt to see any nuance in the above points is treason to your fellow individual humans. There is no right, no wrong, just what's useful and expedient, and therefore questioning and nuance cannot be tolerated, nevermind disagreement.

I wrote one hell of a baity title, didn't I? But I really did mean it. The problem is that, at the end of the day, there is so much tension, with no release, no way out, of this point of view that any questionning of it, any genuine questionning, will create an incredibly volatile mix of frustration and hopelesness. I haven't met one single leftist who can hold all these thoughts in their head without going completely apeshit from time to time. 

I don't say that as a flex.

I think it's horrifying.

I don't want people to go through that. Ever.

So yes, questioning any of the previous six points is going to be anathema. The tension between them is so tight that literally nobody can hold it without the rest of the world shutting up and going along with it. Nuance is a luxury for those who aren't under continuous pressure. And nothing about this ideology allows one to be under anything other than continuous pressure. And so, yes, if someone gets in the way, right or wrong be damned, they must be silenced by shame, rage, threats, whatever it takes just please shut up so that there's a possibility for a moment of peace. 

But that never comes. It can't. You can't have peace by denying community and hating the world, because you are an extension of it. There's so many clearly and obviously and manifestly wrong things in this ideology, after just briefly picking up any primary source of history, nevermind theology or philosophy or whatever gets in the way right now, that really any action to quiet the noise down is acceptable. Like all humans, leftists hate chaos on a genetic level. And they will have order, or at the very least they will have silence as they seethe at problems literally every ideology before them has figured out cannot be solved.

Only made peace with.

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