Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Undertow: Session Sixteen

Mikansia: the main character, a female elf played by Lena. Mikansia had gone to investigate an eldritch egg, which was in a secluded cave in the Etranger Mountains, only to find that the egg had been calling to and corrupting desperate men already. She's also missing the sword her friend, Jabez, had given her awhile ago, before he had died.

Krakeru: Mikansia's evil father. She had killed him to avenge the death of her friend, Jabez. Krakeru is evil incarnate.

The eldtritch egg opened, sucking in the poor human stuck in it back in. Out stepped Krakeru. He saw Mikansia and smile "Mikki!" Mikansia froze; Krakeru charged, sword out. It somehow managed to glance off her leather armor. Krakeru immediately shifted into a more guarded stance, but Mikansia knew she couldn't beat him at swordplay. The glance off of her armor was a one in a million occurrence and Mikansia knew it would never happen again.

So she tackled Krakeru, completely taking him by surprise. Krakeru tried to throw Mikansia off of him, to get the advantage, but Mikansia put him a choke hold, applying so much pressure that Krakeru was immediately immobilized. Ensio and Dale came around the corner. Growling through gritted teeth, Mikansia asked for some help. Ensio asked if this was supposed to be someone who should have been dead. Mikansia yelled that she'd killed Krakeru previously and he desperately needed to stay dead, thank you very much! With a flick of Ensio's sword Krakeru's throat gushed gore. He continued to struggle, locking eyes with Mikansia. Those eyes were full of hatred, of rage, of a thousand promises unspoken. Mikansia knew Krakeru was dying, but wouldn't let go. Seeing that Mikansia wasn't relaxing, Ensio cut open Krakeru's stomach. One explosion of guts later and Krakeru was still.

Getting up and cleaning herself off, Mikansia asked what the hell that was all about?? Ensio explained that eldritch eggs could warp reality around them, recreating someone's worst fear. Ensio hadn't told Mikansia and Dale because the level of fear they brought to an eldricth egg determined how strong the thing they feared was when it came back. Looking down at Krakeru's corpse, Mikansia asked if that was actually Krakeru; Ensio confirmed that it was, actually and really, Krakeru. The eldritch egg had actually brought him back to life. In a few minutes the egg would focus on another person and replicate their fear. Mikansia and Dale asked why the couldn't just destroy the egg before then, and Ensio replied that doing so would take a lot of time, and so they would be interrupted too many times. Better to just wait the fear out.

The egg opened and released a large dragon with six legs, black and chitinous. Dale blanched. Mikansia began the low and threatening hum of the Song of the Sword; her sword began to glow with the sorrow of the elven people. The dragon lashed out, but only managed a gash on Mikansia, Ensio, and Dale as they leapt away. Mikansia and Ensio rushed foward and stabbed deep into the underbelly of the dragon, immobilizing it. Pushing forward, they cut the dragon open, amidst a shower of blood and guts. They jumped out of the way as the monstrosity collapsed in a sea of blood, further covering them. Dale walked up to to the dragon and plunged his sword deeply into its eye. It moved no more.

A minute later and the eldritch egg opened again. Out into the pool of blood walked a succubus. Ensio took a deep breath. "Hello again, Ensio! Found another eldritch egg?"

There was a slash; a rainbow appeared through the succubus. She split open. Appearing behind her was the scaly feathered creature from Dream, holding a rainbow-infused blade.

It was Jabez's sword. Mikansia recognized the hilt.

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