Thursday, February 13, 2020

May the Power Protect You: Aisha Campbell (MMPR Yellow)

I'm not sure why, but I found Aisha's differences from Trini particularly pronounced. She's a killer, through and through, bringing back energy almost as fast as she spends it. But you have to wait for others to set you up, which sometimes means you're having to play against the obvious style to keep the group going. Hang back, take some hits, wait, and then hit hard.

Soft advantages (read: not damage or healing or re-rolls) are usually a harder pitch for people. There's a reason why I recommend MMPR Pink (Kimberly or Kat) as a starting character for players: they're easy to understand, while being highly effective. The effects of damage are obvious and satisfying. I'm not denigrating people who keep playing those types of characters, because I'm definitely one of them, but some abilities are a little tougher to gauge. Aisha's ability to get an energy back by killing someone is easy to conflate with the soon-to-be-released Rocky's moves, but do not be fooled. Aisha is all about waiting to pounce, getting the kill, and moving on. Aisha doesn't need to intensely set up her ability, she need only wait. That makes her a sharp swiss-army knife.

With Aisha waiting around to hit it's a good idea to use Tenacity with her. Because Tenacity lets you shuffle cards back into your deck, no matter the shieldage, it means that Aisha can actively heal herself, while giving energy to the party. Don't get hung up on using a turn; MMPR yellow is the only character who can actively heal herself (so far) and that means that you can use less actions outside of combat, making Aisha ideal for running around and starting fights when others can't, because they had to recover. 

Sabretooth Strike looks nice, right? Right? Don't be fooled. It costs an energy and is only two dice. It's not a for sure thing. Go for Precision Strike instead if you don't have a for-sure way of ensuring the KO.  It's two for-sure damage and it doesn't cost you an energy. Only use Sabretooth Strike when someone else can help pile up the damage on the first hit, thus ensuring that the second hit comes out. But, unless you're sure that you can knock the dude out with Sabretooth Strike, use Precision Strike instead.

Aisha plays a bit of a different role than expected. She's a tank and a finisher. If you need someone to be taking the hits and making sure that the killing job gets done then she's perfect for the job. She can do a lot of burst damage, giving her the ability to turn the fight in your favor in seemingly impossible situations. And she helps keep your energy economy flowing while she does it! What's not to love?

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