Friday, February 14, 2020

Hulk: Session Zero

Shmitty and I had started a Marvel Universe game... that had fizzled out. He was never available when I was, vice versa, and we kinda burned out after two sessions, where Hulk wound up working for S.H.I.E.L.D., specifically with Doc Samson. That and, while we enjoyed the engine, we wanted something a bit more character oriented. Oh, and I was working on that, here, and Shmitty was excited enough to give it another try.

The house rules I added in should make a tragic arc, where the characters are trying to retain their humanity in the face of their epic abilities. They should frequently fail to do so. The system should have the tragedy inherent to Spider-Man and the X-Men: the people who try so hard to live up to their ideals, but are forced to heed the call to be a hero, instead. Shmitty liked the idea, so he wrote Ideals about trying to inspire others through friendship and controlling the monster within.

Yeah, that'll be hilariously awful to play out.

The plot idea is that Banner, working for SHIELD, is a consultant on gamma radiation mutates. He goes from site to site, trying to help people who are exposed to large amounts of radiation. He wants to make friends with these people, to help them survive the thing that he did, to help them be more than they currently are. We'll see how it all shakes out, but we're both excited!

The first session is going to be about a little girl named Amanda, who had been found on the testing site that Hulk was born. She has massive radiation poisoning. Bruce has been sent to help move her, given his own gamma radiation nature....

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