Thursday, January 2, 2020

May the Power Protect You: Rocky DeSantos (MMPR Red)

The next few posts are going to be on the second generation of MMPR. I will not cover zords in these posts, as they're relatively self-contained and advising on them wouldn't change terribly much between the differing characters. Yes, these are Kickstarter-exclusive characters. They use the same deck with a different character ability, which changes their playstyle quite a bit. 

No other character in the game has given me half the trouble that Rocky has. Every time I've played with him I continuously find that I have a bad time. After talking with a few other people about him I've come to the conclusion that Rocky is not my playstyle, in the slightest. And, given most of the reactions I've read he's not most people's cup of tea. I think that has to do with the fact that Jason works so well, standard and Dragon Shield, that trying to work Rocky's ability to his deck is a hard proposition. Rocky is the hardest transition of all the Gen 2 characters. He occupies an almost completely different role than Jason, and without that knowledge and a frank appraisal of his deck in light of his ability you're just going to have a bad time. But Rocky's playstyle is every bit as good as Jason's. He's the man with the plan and, even though he needs more support than Jason, his wider access to his deck will prove to be just as helpful, if that's the sort of thing you like.

Rocky's ability is the most deceptive in the game. At any point you take a hit and you can put the card at the bottom of your deck you can instead put the card in your hand. It's a powerful ability, but you have to be careful, because this means that your deck gets smaller at a faster rate than anticipated. This means that Rocky should not take all the hits, and when he does he should definitely not use his ability all the time. Unlike most characters who have at-will abilities Rocky's should not be used at very opportunity. It's your deck you're playing with, after all. Caution is a must.

Block is the most valued card in your whole deck, just full friggin' stop. This card lets you grab the card you need right now. This does not mean that you should take hits every time you get a Block, however. Do not do what I did, but stop, think, and be judicious. Your hand size is going to be larger than other people's, but at the cost of the size of your deck. Use this card to get what you need and then get the hell out of the way. Rocky is not a tank. Do not play him like one. Use Block to grab what you need and then go back to support. 

Never lead a battle. Rocky is not someone who gets out in front of everyone and uses his actions to Attack. Move to the location required, Recover, and support whoever attacks. You can't afford to take the hits that a Lead Ranger often does, nor should you try. You are the Swiss Army Knife of the Power Rangers, not a friggin' battering ram. Don't act like one and you'll be alright. Throw out Team Tactics and Lead the Charge with wild abandon, but for goodness sake let everyone else do the fighting. Be cautious!

Rocky may be the hardest ranger in the game. He requires far more careful planning and strategy than Billy, while living in the shadow of a far easier and flashier option (Jason). You are the man with the plan, you have answers, but do not lose your head. You can't afford to, otherwise you'll be a liability. Plan ahead, be smart, and, love of God, don't get hit unless you need to be.

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