Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Undertow: Session Two

When the morning came Mikansia and Jabez dressed up in their best formal uniforms and walked the mile to their headquarters. Entering the building they headed for the back, which is where the Captain's Office was. Most of the soldiers were in their usual informal clothes, and so they stuck out like sore thumbs. Captain Akseli and Firstsword Yngvar were also in formal attire, along with another soldier, who was there to record the proceedings.

Formal introductions were made. Captain Akseli explained that Mikansia was being charged with lying to an officer in matters that concerned unit safety. As her formal council Jabez asked to confer with Mikansia a moment; the motion was granted. Jabez Mikansia to plead guilty, under extenuating circumstances. When she did so Captain Akseli asked her to clarify. Mikansia told him that Krakeru had destroyed her family, being responsible for her mother traveling into the void. This incident was part of what caused her to join the Sword Singers in the first place, so that way nothing like that would ever happen to someone else, ever again. She hadn't meant to lie, but she was overwhelmed by hearing Krakeru's name and had no idea what to actually say. She apologized profusely, and promised it wouldn't happen again. Jabez stood up and related how distraught Mikansia still had been last night, and that she only needed some help in unpacking such a surprise. She was still very dedicated to the unit and punishment was not something that Jabez could recommend, not for such a momentary lapse of judgment.

Captain Akseli and Firsword Yngvar told the recorder, Mikansia, and Jabez to recess, while they conferred. That was disconcerting for Mikansia, but Jabez joked that Captain Akseli just didn't want it going down on the record the nice thing said about a Singer. The recorder didn't talk to them at all, still bitter about having to show up at all, particularly in uniform.

They were called back in. Captain Akseli told them that all charges would be dropped, but that Makinsia would need to talk with him more to make sure they could assign her to the proper place in the unit.  She agreed. Everyone was dismissed. Mikansia thanked Jabez for helping her. Smiling, he told her it was truly his pleasure to do so. 

The entire unit began to prep for rapid deployment to Elfharrow. Spirits were high. And then the rumors started. A new series of orders were said to have been passed down. New sightings of The Nameless on one of The Thousand Isles, and everyone was passing the rumor around like wildfire. Another day of prep passed, with no official news. That night, the same creature from before showed up in Mikansia's dreams, showing her the release letter, as well as Jabez's sword.  The next day Captain Akseli gathered the unit together and conformed that their orders had indeed changed: they were going to rapidly deploy to fight The Nameless! The whole unit rejoiced. Now that was real combat!

Mikansia tried to rejoice too; she couldn't. She continued to pack and get ready, but her heart really wasn't into it. This was the first time she had heard Krakeru's name in seventy-five years! When would she hear it again?
Mikansia and Jabez bumped into each other that night, at the guard fire: neither could sleep. Jabez asked Mikansia if she would take a walk with him. They wandered out the gates of their base. The wind was howling, but neither one minded it that much.

They got to the edge of the island and looked down. Below them the planet was dark, awaiting the sun. The stars shown in the black. The wind screeched like a beast. Somewhere below them a light winked in and out of existence. Jabez became anxious. Mikansia asked him what was wrong. Jabez smiled.  Mikansia took his hand. He asked her if she knew the primary duty of an officer. She nodded, mission first! Jabez swallowed, and said he couldn't stop thinking about how Krakeru had ruined her life and where her duties should lie: the unit or her shattered family.  He asked if she was actually going to deploy with the unit.

Mikansia tried to answer, but found that she couldn't. Jabez wasn't surprised. He took of his cloak of office and sword. Mikansia was puzzled

Jabez tried to push Mikansia off the island.

Mikansia jumped to the side and drew her sword. Jabez recovered and sat down. Confused, Mikansia asked what the hell was going on. Jabez replied that he was trying to help her. She couldn't outright break her oath, yet she couldn't not avenge her family. So Jabez had taken off his regalia. And there may or may not be a ship, floating below them, but not for very much longer

Mikansia nodded, and said she was -

Rocketing like a stone.

Whistling air. 


Mikansia spent the next few minutes gasping for breath. There was laughter all around her. Human laughter. Off to Elfharrow they would go, came the cry! They flew to the surface, in a (stolen??) elven ship, signing bawdy songs about how much better human men were in bed than the elven ones (HEAVE! HO!)

And throughout it all Jabez continued in his vigil, staring at them until he could see no more, cape clutched in his warm fists.

The howling of the wind seemed all the louder.

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