Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sabina's Castle: Session Nine

Spar: The main character, a dwarven con artist played by Andy. He's out to start a criminal empire so he can get close enough to stab his former lover, Tara, in the back with a Dagger of Betrayal, gifted to him by a cultist from The Cult of the Leviathan. But first he needs to get a distributor for his illegally obtained dwarven nog.

Luscius: a human criminal who's one of Spar's best friends. Luscius took Spar in after the dwarves kicked him out for being an oathbreaker.

The Dwarf: A mysterious stranger who gave Spar the Dagger of Betrayal.

Spar needed to find an initial distributor for his nog. Luscius recommended  the Wanderer's House, which was just next to the "good" side of town, but was still a part of the rough side of town. Spar checked checked out the place first and found it would be ideal as the beginning human inn, so he took Luscius with him.

It certainly was a nicer area of town, but definitely not too nice, with only one pile of refuse, on one side of the street! As they walked along, marveling (non ironically) at the cleanliness of this area, Luscius told Spar that he and Luscia, the owner of the The Wanderer's House, had a very long history; Luscius lamented that it was not a sexual one, because how cool would it be for a Luscius and Luscia to have knocked boots? As they approached the front doors Spar saw there were human guards, who were large and imposing. Spar told Luscius to be careful, that everything rested upon him, right now. Luscius put his hand on Spar's shoulder and told him that it would work out. Luscia was a prickly person to deal with, and Luscius knew how to handle her, even if not in the way he would have liked. Spar nodded, told Luscius he trusted him, and off Luscius went.

A few minutes later Spar heard a familiar voice ask if he still had the Dagger. The Dwarf came out of a nearby alley. He looked rather pissed. Spar told him that the problem was being worked. The Dwarf replied that wasn't satisfactory; the dwarves were suffering while Spar dawdled. Spar asked if the Dwarf wanted the job done right. The Dwarf retorted that Spar should not be so concerned for himself in the face of such suffering. Paltry wages and fecal matter from others than the dwarves afflicted their district. Spar told the Dwarf the decision was not his to make, it was Spar's, and Spar would deal with it however he chose. The Dwarf walked away even angrier than he was at the beginning.

Luscius came flying out of the tavern. He swore he'd have Luscia yet, that she as the finest woman he'd ever known. A bottle came flying out of the inn and hit him on the head. Luscius dropped like a rock. An astonishingly beautiful red-head came out, calling Luscius a pervert, and kicked his still form right in the ribs. Spar approached her and told her that he was the dwarf that Luscius had been talking about. Luscia, without missing a beat (or kick to Luscius) asked for a sample of the nog. Spar warned against it, but Luscia insisted, so Spar handed her a small vial, advising a very small sip. Luscia smelled it and whooped out loud, commenting on how strong it smelled. She downed the whole thing thing in a gulp.

And stood for fifteen seconds.

When she collapsed the bouncers came to get her. Spar gave one of them the other samples he had, saying they were a gift from him. Spar took Luscius home.

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