Thursday, August 8, 2019

Sabina's Castle: Session Eight

Spar: A dwarf betrayed, now looking to build a criminal empire.

The Dwarf: A dwarf of unknown origin. He'd given Spar a Dagger of Betrayal and told him to stab Spar's compatriot, Cassian.

Herminus: The head of security for Sabina's Castle, a place Spar used to work.

Tara: Spar's former human lover, who had betrayed him, destroyed the guild that Spar had worked for (The Processors), and used the misfortune to push her guild, The Kami Guardians, to greater power.

After six months of looking for The Dagger of Betrayal Spar finally found it, lodged in a random alleyway. A few hours later The Dwarf found Spar and told him that plans had changed. The Dagger needed to wind up in Tara's back. Spar told The Dwarf that he would do it as soon as he could.

Spar started looking for someone who had a ready supply of dwarven nog. After a few weeks of searching the streets of Argentum Prime Spar found a young dwarf named Pyrite, who was sipping dwarven nog in a dwarven bar on the rough side of town. After a while of conversing and hitting it off in general Spar revealed who he actually was. Pyrite was shocked, but intrigued. He found Spar's oathbreaking admirable, given that he had tried to save dwarven lives, which Pyrite found sympathizable. Spar told him that he wanted to bring the Kami Guardians down but needed to create an infrastructure to do so. Pyrite thought this an ambitious but righteous quest. Since the demise of the Processors the Kami Guardians had taken full advantage of the dwarves, paying them less for more work. All of this was to say that Pyrite was in. Spar told him he was wanting to sell dwarven nog to the humans. Pyrite went pale; dwarven nog importations were heavily policed by the dwarves from the home land. They were quite specific as to how to sell nog.. but Pyrite knew a supplier and could Spar in contact with him, a dwarf by the name of Iron. Pyrite needed to talk with Iron first, however.

Spar waited for Pyrite to leave, waited a moment, and then headed out to talk to Iron himself. On his way over he ran into Quartz, a member of the Shadestone players. Quartz and Spar chitchatted for a few moments, with Spar's current living quarters being with Luscius the center of discussion, including an off-color comment about Tara that pissed Spar off. The then started off toward Iron, gingerly picking their way through the filth-encrusted streets. The Kami Guardians were definitely not as good at cleaning up sewage as the Processors. Pyrite was standing outside of Iron's apartment complex, holding his nose, when Spar and Quartz showed up. Pyrite panicked, telling them that they needed to wait for his signal. Spar told him that he couldn't afford to wait.

That's when someone came came soaring out a second story window and laded on with a sickening thud on his shoulder. Out of the front door rushed a dwarf with flaming red hair and golden irises, complete with bloodshot eyes. He proceeded to beat the unholy hell out of the defenseless dwarf, cussing him out the whole time he did it. Looking up at the crowd surrounding him, Iron loudly proclaimed the victim had slept with his sister and walked inside, back up the stairs. Spar followed him inside and coughed, loudly. Iron stopped and asked why an oathbreaker like Spar would want to see Iron, a respectable businessmen. Spar told Iron that he wanted to raise the dwarves up from their position of squalor. Iron walked up to him, intent on giving him a beatdown, but Spar managed to talk him down into listening. Spar told Iron of how stupid humans were, and how a little dwarven nog could be sold for an incredible amount of money. And all of that could be accomplished with just one keg of nog... which is so easy to lose!

That's when Herminus showed up. he had been disgraced and fired from Sabina's Castle because of Spar's deception and had been looking for "Jasper" ever since.. to join him! Herminus wasn't embittered against Spar at all, but he did need his help. This amused Iron, who roared that if Spar got this much respect from someone he had betrayed then Iron had no problem with him! Spar, Quartz, and Herminus left. Herminus collapsed onto Spar and Quartz and passed out. Quartz tried to convince Spar to leave Herminus alive, but Spar told him that not everyone with value had a brain.

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