Friday, May 15, 2020

There is No Spoon (Thor Aggression, Draft 1)

So last night I talked a bit about the Thor deck I'd made. It certainly needs more tweaking, but I think I'm pretty happy with the base idea. Here's the deck:


 So Thor's hand size is woefully small, at four. This makes set up a real pain, as Thor has low Thwart and therefore cannot mitigate the Threat coming against him. I'm not really sure what the rest of the community has been doing about that, but I know for my part that I wanted to rely upon Thor's hand as little as possible. Everything that I threw in had to be cheap.

Or it needed to provide resources outside of my hand.

Enter Enhanced Physique and Reflexes, which get out of your hand and generate resources independent of it, for a time. Given that those cards make up 1/8 of the deck it's pretty easy to get them out. And Lightning Strike, which is the real money maker of the deck, can then really shine once you get out your God of Thunder and Enhanced Reflexes. So use Get Over Here! to grab minions from your buddies and pull them over to you, so that way you can get more cards and set up for your Lightning Strike.

And then the rest of it? To get as much else off of your hand as you can, as cheaply as you can. Combat Training is for your and your buddy, as well as Jarnborn.And then you just start throwing Mean Swings on all your shots!

The problem is obvious, however: Thor has to have someone to tank a few hits for him while he gets going. His energy requirements are not high, but the logistics of waiting a few turns to get all your energy generation out can be a bit of a challenge. Probably someone with a good Defense deck or tons of allies.

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