Saturday, April 18, 2020

With Six Wings: Session Two

Hikaru Genji: a human champion of the high race of men, played by Brian. He's out to kill the evil and wretched Warlord Bai on behalf of his lord, Warlord Monkhbat. He keep around paper and quill to give out autographs. He runs through these pretty regularly.

Thakraw: a human shapechanging animist, played by Ethan. THAKRAW CAN CHANGE INTO A POSTOSUCHUS DINOSAUR AND THAT'S AWESOME AND WHY DIDN'T I- Oh right, I'm writing a blog post. Sorry. Thakraw's tribe had been killed by Warlord Bai's serpa soldiers. But Thakraw knows it wasn't Warlord Bai who gave the order. He wants to know who did.

Genji and Thakraw decided to take the Kooramch Pass to get to the Mogoin Forest. Itw as a stretch of flat land directly between the Baytarlag Hills, known for their ghosts and barrow-wights, and the Yadargay Swamp, which held undead horrors in its seemingly infinite pools of swamp water. It also avoided the road, which was patrolled by soldiers. They had a chance of running into denizens of both the hills and the swamp, but it was certainly less of a chance than running into soldiers on the road.

A melanorosaurus
As they made their way with their cart and hired servant, Tomoya, they happened upon a baby melanorosaurus; it had a deep bite in its side. Thakraw jumped out of the cart and ran over to the injured infant dinosaur. Within a few minutes he had transferred healing energy into its bloodied side. It wasn't healed all the way back, but at least the poor thing was no longer on The Deaths' door. Mamma melanorosaurs rounded the corner and lowed at Thakraw, who backed up, next to Genji, who asked if this was one of "his people". Chuckling darkly, Thakraw "reminded" Genji that all of his people were dead, no thanks to Bai and whomever had given the order to slaughter them. Patting Thakraw on the shoulder, Genji told him that he trusted he had this well in tow, regardless. Rolling his eyes at Genji, Thakraw gently approached the mama dino and stroked her. She resisted at first, but relaxed into his touch. Stepping back, Thakraw, Genji, and Tomoya left the mother and child together.

A few nights later Genji found himself on a mountain so tall that he could see the clouds far below him. The sky above Genji was a navy blue; the winds below him howled, but Genji had never known a more peaceful place than where he was, right then. Way up above him, in the darkness, shone a blue flame. Slowly but surely it descended. The flame did not flicker, sputter, was in no danger of going out. As it got closer Genji saw a six-winged serpent at the center of the corona of blue. It declared to Genji that Bai could not die. The seraphim had claimed the serpa as their own, and it all began with Bai. To kill him would be the beginning of the end for the whole planet.

Genji was very quiet the next day, after he woke up. Thakraw was grateful for the break from conversation. A few days later they crossed the Kheigdhal River, approaching the Mogoin Forest from the south. It kept them off the road, but they would have to thread their way between the outpost forts that guarded the southern edge of the forest. Thakraw went ahead of the cart, scouting for the group. He saw a lot of roving companies of drakhon going between the outpost forts. The soldiers were unruly, undisciplined, and only interested in just the bare minimum of security measures. Thakraw could hear the drakhon soldiers complain about how badly treated they had been ever since Warlord Bai had moved in with his serpa soldiers, and they were really only in it for the food, room, and money. So avoiding them was quite easy. And Thakraw made sure they did.

After a few days of avoiding patrols they entered the Mogoin Forest, known for its myriad snakes. They got close enough to investigate Bai's Fortress, which was still under construction. It was a wooden keep with a wall, with a bailey and moat still under construction; the amount of human slaves working the site was overwhelming to the both of them. The serpa soldiers were well-fed, well-disciplined, and well-motivated to serve their warlord.

As Genji and Thakraw watched the proceedings one human slave stuck out to them. He always seemed to have a sense of humor about being worked to death (almost). So when the guards weren't focused on him Genji and Thakraw snuck over to talk to him. They asked him what his name was: Snort, on account of the sound he made to most serpa demands. He'd forgotten his own name shortly after his wife was beaten to death in front of him; his children had been sold to another serpa shortly thereafter. But life was great! Can't complain, right?? Genji asked if Snort could could get him and Thakraw into the keep. Snort asked why one earth Genji and Thakraw wanted to go into such a hellish place. Genji told Snort he was a hero of the people, it was his job! To right wrongs! To defend the weak! Snort laughed and asked if Thakraw was a hero of the people too. Thakraw replied that he would eat Snort if he talked to him again. Snort laughed again and said he had a way to get them right under the serpa's slit noses.

At dusk they made their move. Snort let them into the slave compound, but Genji's metallic breast plate was seen in the dusky light. Snort let the guards capture him so Genji and Thakraw could go on, waving a jaunty salute as they closed in. Another human male came out of the darkness and said Snort had selected him as the backup. They were hurried away.

Snort was never seen again.

They man brought them to a tunnel that the slaves had dug to hide extra food. They defended the secret with their lives. If Genji and Thakraw could kill Bai then they might actually get some change around here. The tunnels went under the courtyard, which was currently empty; the serpa soldiers had been mostly sent out on patrol. There was still a few feet of earth above them. Genji asked Thakraw if he could change into postosuchus and dig. Thakraw said he didn't have that much control over his dino form. All he knew was that when he came back to being human was usually pretty full. So they dug together.

The keep was quiet, but there was a light in the uppermost tower, so that's where they went. At the top of the stair were three guards. Genji took out his autograph paper and quill and wrote something down. He rolled it up and handed it to Thakraw, who nodded in understanding. Walking up to the guards Genji proclaimed that Thakraw was a representative of the great Tomoya and that they needed to speak with Lord Bai, immediately.

The guards saw right through that nonsense.  Two of them thrust their tridents at Genji, but coudln't get through his shield. Genji was barking out orders to Thakraw, helping him avoid a few stabs here and there. The last guard  stabbed Thakraw deeply in the thigh. The postosuchus appeared, roaring in pain. The three guards declared they'd never get to Lord Bai, not after everything he had gone through!  They began stabbing at Thakraw, while Genji swung his sword at one of the guards, getting a light cut in through his armor. Thakraw swung his tail at the middle guard and he fell in a heap; the guard furthest from the door bolted. Genji's next swing bounced off the remaining guard's armor. The guard lunged at Genji, drawing blood.

The postosuchus tore the guard's guts out in one swing.

He collapsed against the door, breathing heavily, trident still out, glaring at his enemies with all the fervor of the righteous.

Genji cut him the rest of the way open with one flick of his sword.

 The postosuchus began to dine.

Genji knocked the door to the tower in on itself. In the child-sized bed Genji saw a child-sized lump. Under the covers was a child serpa.  Looking up, the postosuchus saw the child and lumbered up to him.

Thakraw reappeared a moment later.

Genji asked the child if anyone else was in the room. The child shook his head. The only window led to a thirty foot drop. On the child-sized desk was a stack of papers and a signet ring. The child said his name was Bai. That had been his father's name too. He'd died two years before. Bai's uncle, Chen, took care of him now. Well, when he wasn't shouting at him to get his work done. Signing documents all day was lonely.

Considering their options, Genji asked Thakraw if he wanted the child Bai dead. Thakraw said he only wanted to know who'd told adult Bai to kill his people; he didn't even want the adult Bai dead. Genji said that all he needed to do was report to Monkhbat that a Bai was dead. There was no need to kill the child. Genji said he had no idea why Chen was using Bai like this, but using the child as a proxy was unacceptable. Thakraw asked if Bai would come with them, to someplace better. Certainly less lonely.

Bai nodded.

Genji took out paper and quill, and gave Bai an autograph. Y'know, to remember this day by.

They took the seal and papers on their way out. Tomoya was waiting outside the fortress, ready to go.

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