Friday, March 6, 2020

Hallucinations: Session Two

Last time... Zilya, an assassin from Novstrech, and Karel, a barbarian from the northern town of Preyderi, broke into a golden cube which had surfaced outside the town of Novstrech. They had broken into it, but managed to trigger a lockdown. Exhausted and pissed off, they hunkered down for a few hours to try and get some sleep.

When Zilya awoke a few hours later she didn't feel tired anymore, although she was still pretty angry at things. Karel had calmed down but still hadn't slept any. Karel had found a large secured storage locker the previous night. So when she woke up Karel took Zilya over to where he remembered it being. He didn't remember properly. He had mapped it wrong.

So when Zilya opened the locker it spat gas right into her lungs.

Zilya could barely see straight from how nauseous she was. She cussed out Karel as she wretched, trying to throw up. After taking a few minutes to make sure she wasn't getting worse Karel looked through the locker. There wasn't much, just a map. When Karel unrolled it he realized he was looking at the more northerly ranges of the Ledaye Mountains, which his hometown Preyderi was a few days south of the more southerly reaches of of those mountains. The map, which Karel had to dust off, showed what looked like a bunch of different stations, way up in the world. Karel couldn't read the language, however.

They then started scraping off some more gold from the walls, putting it into sacks they'd brought and attached them to their belts. Zilya asked Karel why he was out and adventuring, way down in the south. Karel told her that his friend Arron was wanting to make an inn, but lacked the funds for the initial investment. Karel wanted to fix that. Well, and you know, he wanted to get rich too. Zilya.

They decided to go to the other locker, which Karel elected to bust open, since Zilya still felt really nauseous. It collapsed on him, and cut his arm, about to the bone! Wincing, Karel picked through the remains with Zilya: they found a battleaxe and a dagger, along with a horseshoe that was powerfully magnetic. Karel also showed Zilya the hole in the floor, which allowed her to see the ghoul who was hanging out on the next floor down. Zilya wanted to go down and kill it, not to mention continuing  to loot the place.

They took the elevator, as opposed to the glass tube. They hit the blue button and descended. The walls of the blue tinted room, illumined by a freshly-lit torch, showed rotting furniture. Karel found that there was a secret door behind a bunch of rotting couches; it opened onto a stone tunnel, leading out of the cube. Karel and Zilya investigated the walls on the blue floor. The blue-tinted gold was a higher karat, and thus harder to collect, and even harder to store. 

And then they heard movement from down the stone tunnel. Someone was coming.

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