Friday, September 6, 2019

The Giggling Dark: Session Seventeen

Sir Xellous: The 14 year old Celestial Knight, played Ryan. He just found out that his wife, Kora, is alive!

Thought-8: A black khen-zai, one of ten in the uinverse. He's been captured by Sir Xellous and the other Celestial Knights, but his death would spell the end of their world.

Charu: A Celestial Knight who had quite a bit of experience with the khen-zai. He's got a bit of a temper too.

Michael: Sir Xellous' brother-in-law, aged 10. He's gotten special powers of some sort from an encounter with the Nameless, the foe that the khen-zai have been fighting for tens of millennia now.

Telos: A hero from another place, another time.

Ikuinen Lampo: The star that sponsored Sir Xellous  into the Celestial Knights. She's currently in Emissary Form, borrowing the body of Sir Xellous' sister, Genevieve.

Ernzan: A former member of the Cursed of Xalmantra, who had reformed his life after forcing Michael to summon a Flammeous Lad. He has since repented and is now a Celestial Knight himself. He and Michael are now friends.

Sir Xellous reeled from the news that Kora was alive, but forced himself to think. Kora wouldn't just go and marry someone else, and the Khen-Zai could manipulate minds; the chances of Kora being brainwashed were incredibly high. Sir Xellous wouldn't have been terribly worried for Kora if not for the Cursed of Xalmantra, who he thought were disbanded. Sir Xellous needed some serious firepower. They needed the mech. But that required knowledge of khen-zai tech. Using Thought-8 was out of the question, as he could not be trusted. Sir Xellous would just have to absorb the information from the fallen khen-zai around him.

Sir Xellous grabbed a fallen red khen-zai and pulled him into the room with Lampo and Thought-8. He had five days of work and twenty-four hours to do it in. He barely accomplished it, but was absolutely exhausted. But Sir Xellous was pleased; he had made his wedding ring, upon saying "ether", capable of bestowing knowledge of khen-zai tech upon him. If he removed the ring the enchantment would fade. This was done despite Thought-8, who was being guarded by Ikuinen Lampo, telling him all the nasty things he knew about Kora, whom he called a "bitch mongrel"(mongrel is the word khen-zai use for all humans, in general). But Sir Xellous managed to ignore Thought-8 through the whole process.

As the rest of Celestial Knights were about to teleport out, using their star stones, when Sir Xellous came stumbling down the stairs, saying he'd figured out how to analyze the mech and might be able to get it up and running.  Telos showed up right then, roughed up, saying that the Cursed of Xalmantra were attacking the king, who had gone strange again. Charu offered to stay behind and help with the mech as the other Celestial Knights went to help Telos, who told Sir Xellous to hurry: Ernzan had been captured and Michael had run off after him! Sir Xellous told him it wouldn't be too long now. Lampo asked what to do with Thought-8, who promised that his death would start the destruction of the planet. Sir Xellous told Lampo to go with the others; they would watch Thought-8.

Sir Xellous and Charu went to the mech and Sir Xellous examined it with his new-found knowledge of khen-zai tech. The mech was alive! If anyone had gotten in the mech would have tried to kill him if he wasn't a khen-zai. Sir Xellous and Charu grabbed a red khen-zai corpse and tried to make it capable of fooling the mech. Charu was nervous; he didn't think they'd pulled it off. But Sir Xellous wouldn't take no for an answer. He got into the mech with the specially prepared khen-zai. The door shut... and he mech tried to kill Sir Xellous.Charu started to pry the cockpit open, desperate to distract the mech, while Sir Xellous utterly overwhelmed the mech's aura, forcing his will to triumph over the bio-machine.

A fleet of khen-zai ships appeared suddenly: Thought-8 had been busy. Charu grabbed his star-stone and told Sir Xellous they needed to leave; they could teleport out with their stones. Sir Xellous the mech was capable of phasing, too, but that it would take time to figure out. Charu needed to leave.

But Sir Xellous was going to get this mech over to help, come hell or highwater.

Right after we finished the session, Ryan asked "Can I fly this mech outta here?"

I responded back "Do you have khen-zai mech piloting?"

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