Tuesday, December 7, 2021

May the Power Protect You: Ashley Hammond (Space Yellow)

Let's get something out of the way: this game is not perfectly balanced. It can't be. There's too many interactions to test for to make it balanced.  This is a balance conscious game. There's a baseline usability that's required for all the characters; you must be this effective to be in the game. MMPR Jason is clearly meant to be this benchmark of balance. I don't know of a single character who fails that litmus test. But some characters are better. It doesn't mean they're broken, but they take advantage of the basic rules of the game better than other characters. Ashley is one of these characters. No matter what you do with her you're going to benefit, somehow.

Optimism is one of my favorite character abilities in the game. My dice luck, even with rerolls, is so bad that I'm for sure to get the additional energy almost immediately. And that's helpful for pushing forward. That extra little boost goes a long way. Obviously if you never roll a miss result on these dice Optimism probably won't be too useful to you, but if that's the case I'm not sure you're a real person to begin with. Or, y'know, not playing with loaded dice. Actually that last one is more likely.

Rapid Fire is one of the best cards in the game, particularly if you have a reroll ability available. Roll, see the 0's, spend the energy Ashley just gave you, add two more dice, and then reroll them all! Ashley can either wreck shop with her own cards or throw it onto another character's attack.

Take Aim is a great card. We've talked about it before, with Kimberly. Any energy generation is good. And rerolls are absolutely necessary. Moving along.

Trick Shot is a weird card. On the one hand, 0's are good for hitting targets not adjacent to the target. On the other hand, I target a card to freaking blow it up. That doesn't make sense, it's backwards! So I target GUARD cards I've already damaged by attacking another card not adjacent. I roll badly enough, it certainly works for me! The reroll from Take Aim may be used for... unusual reasons... here.

Yeah, huh.

Precise Shot ignores GUARD and doesn't do a lot of damage, even if it's for sure damage. Once again, the card presupposes some damage has already been dealt to the target, or maybe there's a bonus I don't know you having.  Regardless, this probably isn't going to be a card you'll be using to one-shot a high health target. And that's okay. It's almost like you may have damage being sprinkled all over the place from Trick shot.

Star Slinger is like a reverse Power Axe. It is just as tricky to pull off on a small grid, with differing logistics required.  I generally find that having an enemy card with FAST puts you on the back foot; normally you want to hit the very first card in the sequence and splash the back cards. You can still do that here (just go to the rear-most card), just expect to take some fire for it. 

Ashley's zord lets you hang yourself as a group, by drawing as many cards as everyone likes. You're either nuking yourself or doing a last-ditch assault. And y'know what? I don't care. I generally don't draw cards, and am usually too cowardly to do so. If you want to? Go for it. That's never been me. Well, until I really need to do it. That's different. 

Ashley isn't broken, not by a long shot. But she is really good. Her cards take advantage of the base engine of the game really well, and she has some genuinely unique cards. She's definitely in my top five to play! There's always something interesting going on with her, and she can hit pretty much whatever she wants, whenever she wants. This makes her a great offensive character.

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