Monday, July 1, 2019

Hot and Cold: 1.1

Page 1

Panel 1: There's a tiny town called Taos, New Mexico, and there's a small restaurant called the Taos Diner. Bruce Banner walks into this diner, in brand new clothes and a backpack.

Panel 2: As Bruce walks in everyone looks up, suspicious of the newcomer. A waitress walks up to him and Bruce smiles disarmingly at her.

Good afternoon!

Well hi! You're new.

Panel 3: They continue chatting.

Yeah, walked on in.

From- from where?

Oh, I hitchhiked and walked the rest of the way.

Welcome to Taos then!

Panel 4: Banner looks puzzled. The waitress laughs

Wait, what was the name again? I missed it, sorry.

Taos, New Mexico. I'm Cindy.

Thank you, sorry about that! I've never heard of the place.

Oh, we get that a lot.

Page 2

Panel 1: Bruce got a window view, and watched as two people rode into the parking lot on motorcycles: a blonde haired man with a creepy grin, and a grim black haired man.

Panel 2: They enter the diner, and everyone goes quiet, uneasy.

Panel 3: Cindy walks up to the pair, uncomfortable.

Can I-

Victor, please.

Panel 4: There's a silence, where everyone stares at them, angry. Victor smiles back at them, predatorily.

Page 3

Panel 1: An older gentleman walks over to Victor and "Blackie"

We don't take kindly to things like you.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean??

Freaks. Losers. Probably muties.

Panel 2: Three metal claws pop out of Blackie's hand and he cuts off the Old Man's head.

Well, you ain't wrong.

Panel 3: Guns are drawn by the locals, who quickly find cover and get ready to fire. Victor laughs and Blackie growls.

Page 4

Panel 1: Banner steps forward, towards Victor and Blackie.

Hey, c'mon, let's not lose anymore heads.

Panel 2: Victor slashes at Banner

Won't be ours!

Page 5

Splash page, Banner hulks out!


Page 6

Panel 1: Hulk lunges at Victor, who dodges nimbly aside.

Panel 2: Blackie jumps in and takes a swing at Hulk, cutting out some flesh. Hulk tanks the hit and knocks out Blackie.

Panel 3: Victor jumps at Hulk and both try to exchange blows. Both whiff.

Page 7

Panel 1: Victor jumps backward, grabs Blackie, and drags him away. Hulk leaps out of the restaurant, scattering the ceiling, and knocks out Victor. Inset panel of  Blackie waking up.

Panel 2: Blackie grabs Victor, slings him onto the bike and drives like mad. Hulk jumps onto the bike, knocks out Blackie, and kills Victor through the sheer shock of the landing.

Panel 3: Gunshots reflect off of Hulk's skin from behind. The townsfolk have regained their nerve.

Panel 4: Hulk grabs Blackie and smashes him into the ground until his internal organs are jelly.

Page 8

Panel 1: With bullets still ricocheting off of him, Hulk picks up Blackie's body, and throws it in front of the puny humans. The cops are running up.

Panel 2: Hulk gestures at the body. The bullets don't stop.

Panel 3: Cindy runs out of the remains of the diner with a Colt Magnum and tries to blow Hulk's brains out.

Get away, you abomination!

Page 9

Splash page. Hulk jumps four miles in a single bound, away from the wrecked diner, along with the dead bodies of Wolverine and Sabretooth. He left his backpack, extra clothes, and wallet.

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