Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Pull: November 2020, Part 2


So there's a bit of a hiccup in this particular review, as the format that The Amazing Spider-Man has chosen to tell its story is becoming somewhat problematic. Darth Vader, however, continues to impress.

The Amazing Spider-Man 52, 52.LR, and 53

Okay, this is becoming a bit of a problem. Let's assume you're reading these the way I am: 51, 51.LR, 52, 52.LR, etc. The regularly numbered issues tell the main story: Spider-Man versus Kindred. The .LR issues tell the story of the rest of the supporting cast. And, while I'm glad that Spencer is focusing on the rest of the cast, I'm really starting to wish he'd just written a separate mini-series to cover them. Because things you learn in 51.LR (Harry Osborn being Kindred), are being treated as a huge deal in 53, when you've known for what's effectively four or so issues already! The drama of Peter realizing that Harry is Kindred is blunted, almost undone, because I've known for so long already. And all of the issues, for the record, are well written! 52 is a great exploration of Peter achieving a victory that only Peter would think of as a victory. 52.LR does a good job of continuing to explore the fallout, especially with Norman Osborn, although I have questions on how the heck Morlun got out of his prison. Like, everything individually is working out well. But the structuring of Last Remains has some significant problems at this point.

Darth Vader 7

Can we all please agree that Webbish Bogg is an awesome name? Please? Are we capable of doing that in a post-OT era?


Anyone else catch the Kylo Ren-ish expressions on Anakin at the beginning of the comic? I love little nods like this, as well as further cementing that Anakin's killing of the younglings and the Trade Federation slime-balls was incredibly awful to him. He hated every moment of it. 

It's good to see Ochi in action. He's got a nonchalance to his actions, an assuredness, that I find to be interesting. I finally got the connection between this and Rise of Skywalker, but Ochi's not really that important to me in that context.

But it's ultimately Vader himself who sells me in this episode. Standing in a pool of lava, cracking dark jokes... this is what sells me on the character. Not the bad-ass, not the minutes of silence, but this person who isn't nearly as gone as he thinks he is. It's awesome to see this guy continue to fight for redemption, to try and figure out what that even looks like. 

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