
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

May the Power Protect You: NEENJOR!!! (Ninjor)


Yes, I'm going to call him NEENJOR! That voice is just the best thing that was ever done in Power Rangers. Yes, you heard me. The. Best thing. I adore it. And so therefore I will treasure it. NEENJOR! is an interesting front man/support who helps everyone feel as great as that wonderful voice of his. 

So, when I sat down to look NEENJOR'S! ability, I realized I've been running it wrong. Each ranger, it reads, not just a ranger. That is a hell of a lot better than just one dude. Yes, it's a small ability, but odds are someone is going to have exactly what is needed on the bottom of their deck, and the later you get in the game the higher chance it is that you put a great card on the bottom of the deck. So yeah, um, make sure everyone knows they can do it. And is tracking that they can. You'll probably have to tell them a bunch to get them to remember. I recommend using NEENJOR'S! voice to do it. But make sure to stack the deck first with NEENJOR! Battle Mode or Ninjato Blade, first. It's the type of synergy that I like seeing in decks; it's a nice buzz from the dopamine section of my brain to pull this off.

Can we all just agree that Unlock Potential is an amazing card? Obviously it depends upon the value of your zords but there aren't exactly that many duds in the game. Oh, and it's nice to see Flying Kick again. Cool stuff.

Showboating, on the other hand, I have a hard time liking. Yes, you get to skip a villain card, but you lose your next turn. I could just never bring myself to use this card. I know there's probably a couple of different uses for it, but I won't lie to you and pretend to understand the card short of a boss fight. But even then I almost prefer to take the hit so that way I can hit him back.

Encouraging Word is the one card that makes me want someone else to play NEENJOR! My bad rolls are a bit of running joke with people that I play, and I would love to have a consolation prize like Encouraging Word hanging around. It just helps me keep my spirits high, even when my freaking dice fail. Ninjato Blade falls into a similar category, allowing you to stack the deck back up. You're kinda healing when you use Ninajto Blade and that's certainly worth an energy to me.

Nimbus Strike is a truly beautiful card. Just get someone to help amp up those rolls and you can probably kill three cards at once. I love seeing this card during boss fights, especially since so many bosses have a bunch of FAST keywords in their stuff. NEENJOR! is a character who gets better as time goes on, in part because of Nimbus Strike and the prevalence of keywords later in the game.

NEENJOR! is fun to play and brings hope to bad rollers like me. He heals, buffs, gets energy back, and allows me to talk in a ridiculous voice at the table. And I think we all should. I mean, sometimes this game gets pretty intense, so why not have someone with a hilarious voice narrating everything? I mean, that is what NEENJOR is about.



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